Dr. Anissa Rahman
The First Doctor Specializing
in Caring for Caregivers
You’re Taking Care of
who’s taking care of

Learn How to Nourish Yourself While You Care for Your Elders
Receive Your Free Guide here.
If you’re the primary caregiver for parents or other loved ones,
I bet I know a few things about you, even though we’ve never met….
How many of these apply to you?
- You walk around with a near-constant mix of exhaustion and guilt… the exhaustion from trying to do everything for your loved ones… and the guilt from always feeling like you’re not doing enough.
- You’re irritable, and you find yourself annoyed and even yelling at your kids, your spouse, and your parents at the slightest provocation.
- Your own health is deteriorating so much from the stress, you’re afraid you’re setting your kids up to have to be the resentful caregivers of you!
- You’ve gained weight, and that’s stressing and depressing you even more.
- Your work and career are suffering because you’re so distracted and preoccupied with the stress and overwhelm at home.
- Your own health is deteriorating so much from the stress, you’re afraid you’re setting your kids up to have to be the resentful caregivers of you!
- You can’t remember the last time you had quality alone time with your spouse or partner, and your libido has gone the way of the dinosaurs.
- You feel unappreciated and unseen, but you don’t want to “make it about you.”
If any of these describe you, I want to look you right in the eye with a warm, compassionate smile and tell you, “It doesn’t have to be this way.”
I’m Dr. Anissa Rahman, and I’m the first
doctor specializing in caring for caregivers.
I’m here to guide you to a more balanced, healthier, more nourishing way to care for yourself while you care for your elders. This way will lead to both a better quality of caring for your loved ones and a better quality of caring for you.
With the Right Care for You,
This is What’s Possible….
- You’re actually feeling appreciated, and that makes you feel energized.
- You’re a master of setting healthy boundaries and having those boundaries respected.
- You’re appreciating the time you do have with your parents or loved ones while they’re still alive.
- You finally have some quality private time with your spouse or partner.
- The guilt is gone… because you have nothing to feel guilty about!
- Your energy is back. Your good, stable moods are back. Your libido is back. You feel young again.
- You’re showing up better than ever at work because you have everything at home handled.
- You feel in touch with a greater purpose.
Ready to Turn These Possibilities
Into REALITIES In the NEXT 6 Months?
I want to get you on a video call, listen to exactly your situation, and give you my personalized suggestions for how to transform your caregiving life from DRAINING to SUSTAINING and from CRAPPY to HAPPY.
It’s possible for you, but the most important thing is that you feel safe to share vulnerably about what’s going on for you. I know you might be experiencing some shame and guilt around all of it—but I’m here to create the safe, nurturing, welcoming place where you can feel heard, understood, and affirmed.
In our private, one-on-one, 1-hour session, you’re going to come away feeling energized, clear, and, most importantly, HOPEFUL about your path forward.
You may wonder how we’re going to get from your current Point A (deprivation) to your desired Point B (celebration!). We’re going to get into all that when we’re “face to face” on the video call.
But right now, the crucial thing for you is to just get on the call with me. Let’s do this together.
In my medical practice, I normally charge $875 per hour for medical consultations.
But because I care so much about caregivers like you, I’m offering this introductory Caregiver Clarity Call for just $250.
Your new life awaits you. What are YOU waiting for? Let’s begin your journey toward your new relationship with caregiving today.
Your elders deserve it. Your partner and/or children deserve it. And most of all, YOU deserve it.
Transformational Healing…
from your Doctor?
Hi there. I’m Dr. Anissa Rahman, and I’m a Functional Medicine Doctor devoted to helping you create optimum health and well-being.
I began my journey as a board-certified physician with extensive training in internal medicine, geriatric medicine, natural medicine, and hospice and palliative medicine.
After spending a decade in conventional medicine, I realized my true passion was in developing meaningful relationships with the people I serve in order to help create true and lasting changes and transformations in my patients’ lives.
When you step into your healthiest self, you are expressing
your true power as a human being.
The dirty little secret is that you are perfect, whole, and
complete just as you are.
My mission is to help you harness your inner healer so you can live with greater vitality and live without DIS-ease.
Real Clients.
Real Healing.
Kind Words From Patients Who’ve Finally Found Relief
“Whether I’ve had questions about weight loss, nutrition support, mindfulness, or sleep, Anissa always has the answers.
It’s amazing. I feel much more confident about what I eat because of her. I feel empowered because of all the new skills and tools I have as a result of working with her.”
“I feel so much more at ease because I always get wonderful answers about my family’s health
– what foods and supplements are good for my children as well as for myself and my husband – so I can know how to better support them. All of my kids’ health has continued to improve. I have a feeling of peace knowing my kids are on the right track.”
“Before Anissa, I had no idea what nutritional or lifestyle advice to follow as there was so much conflicting information all over the Internet.
I had no idea what diet was best for me. It has been so nice working with somebody who actually has the answers to my questions. It feels good to have confidence now about the choices I’m making.”
Articles on How to Care
For You as a Caregiver
Functional Mental Health
People dealing with mental health issues will often avoid seeking treatment because they feel ashamed or mistakenly believe they don’t deserve help. However, functional mental
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGID) are the most common G.I. condition
Functional Mental Health
People dealing with mental health issues will often avoid seeking treatment because they feel ashamed or mistakenly believe they don’t deserve help. However, functional mental
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGID) are the most common G.I. condition